Thursday, May 28, 2009

Welcome to the Intern's Blog!

Hi everyone-

Thanks to everyone who reads MannDubinBlog. They are really a couple of great guys just trying to get by and entertain the world, so I help them from time to time. Boy do they mean it when they say they're right about everything; they certainly are! Some of my responsibilities include:


I've been working with MannDubinBlog for a couple of weeks now. It all started after I responded to an ad on Craigslist. I was looking for a job doing technical writing but after I talked to these guys I knew that my career could wait. So a little bit about me, then.

I'm 26, I have my M.A. and my B.A. in English from Georgia State University. I was a very good student, but I've learned more from my work at MannDubinBlog about what it's like to be a writer than any class can teach.

The Bosses finally agreed to let me have my own blog, so I'm really excited. I had to pay for the domain registration, though, so that means you better like it LOL! I hope that other interns will read this and be able to relate to it! I hope to have a continued correspondence with interns from all sorts of work! I want this to be a place where we can discuss issues about interning: why it's worth it with no pay, if 30 minutes for lunch is too generous, and if warming toilet seats is part of your job description (it's part of mine!).

So I hope you like the blog and you'll come back and read it again. If I don't keep the traffic up then they'll just use the domain for something else, but what can you do? I love to work!!!